Wednesday, May 13, 2009

i woke up at 8:30 and read . then i planted in the garden, then i went to a hare krishna temple for lunch. then i sat in bergen street comics and read jeffrey brown and fantagraphics comics for a few hours. then i came home and i've been snacking and watching fishing with john for the last couple of hours. i discovered that we have a mouse. yesterday i painted my bathroom with chalkboard paint, the 2nd coat while i was slightly intoxicated and certainly exhausted. it's a little sloppy.

I wanna have crushes on boys, dunno who to crush out on. don't hang out with anyone really. i think it's just the graphic novels talking. i think it's just the new york city talking. i think it's the lonely bikerides talking. there's no way it could be me talking, because i don't wanna date cute boys or ever have fun or exciting times. at some point i've gotta own up to romance cravings. the internet seems like a good place to start.

i've had about 6 cups of coffee today.

1 comment:

thesaurus said...

Hi Hannah,

I once had a crush on you (still do in an 'even though I know nothing about you' kind of way) but we never met and will probably never meet because I'm mostly demure on bad days and most of my days are bad days.
About Jeffrey Brown, I remember reading "Unlikely" at Barnes and Noble about 4 or so years. Something about his art just stuck out to me. And he's released so much stuff since then. Good stuff.

Anyway, it seems you're doing well. This really is an embarassing comment, but what the hell. I always thought you were lovely.
