Tuesday, January 1, 2013

goodbye 2012

I've spent the last few months hating on this year, wishing it were over. I'm glad it's over, and I'm glad it happened. This year was hard, but every year is hard. This was the first year that passed without heartbreak. It was a year of heavy introspection and personal shit. It was the first year that I felt adult. It was a year of feeling lonely and disconnected, of feeling like I was on the other side of something. This year, I applied to grad school, was accepted and moved to Portland to attend school. I traveled by myself through Central America. I made out with one person. I cooked at Queer Rock Camp and played in a band at Queer Adult Rock Camp. I've felt ecstatically happy and horrendously sad. This past year began on a good note and ended on a good note, though the last six months have been challenging and miserable.

This coming year, I hope to make out with more than one person, to graduate or drop out, to go somewhere warm and to be somewhat positive.


Alexis said...

I am proud of you for all the good work you've done this year. I hope you don't drop out- just kick its ass instead and then tell them how they could've made the program better. Congratulations on your adultness and upcoming make-out plans!

hannah said...

Oy, Alexis, I don't even KNOW anymore! I don't feel like I've got any fight left in me to kick an ass. but i DO like that you are my lone blog commenter. <3 Miss you, lady!

nebraskan said...

holy shit you are fuckin hot as hell
i like your blog

hannah said...

don't fuck with me, nebraska