Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Is this gauche? it's not really advertising...

My friend, Carrot, is trying to raise money for their book-writing adventure on kickstarter. They've written a train hopping novella is astounding-- not only is it a million times better than 'off the map' and other punk traveling stories, but it's a million times better than any other travel narrative out there. It's right up there with "Miles From Nowhere."

Carrot's writing lodged itself in my heart with this, one of the most heart stoppingly evocative, hopeful, wonderous piece of writing out there. Seriously, this is why writing is so fucking important.

You can pour your heart and hope into these words that remain after the feeling has passed, after you've sunk back into the regular drudgery of life. You don't need to be an inspiring magical conjurer all the time, and it would be pretty insuffereable if you were, but if you can figure out how to pin down that feeling of elation and hope and belief in possibility, then you've done it. Maybe it doesn't work on you anymore, but it's a charm out there in the world. I am also such a sucker for 2nd person narration, but only when it's memoir-y.

Here is a link to Carrot's kickstarter. I know that no one really reads this blog, but please donate if you can. I promise it's worth it.

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