Friday, July 27, 2007

In the airport (and i'm fucking b-o-r-e-d!)

My flight to Minneapolis doesn't take off until 12:55. I wasted $6.50 on sushi that I couldn't eat and then wasn't allowed to get a refund. What kind of crazy moron puts eggs in vegetarian sushi????????!!!!!!

i guess i should have asked to read the ingredients...

I bought a copy of allure magazine, and realized that I'm not the target audience. I don't want to highlight my hair, and I have little faith in the ability of lipstick to radically alter either my looks or my outlook on life. I am so sleepy, which means that I am so cranky, but I can't board my stupid plane for 45 more stupid minutes and I bet I will never find a nice boy to make eyes at ever again in my whole entire life for the rest of eternity.


Joe said...

I like how your sleepiness is inextricably linked to your belief that there are No Boys Out There For You. But: I'm sure there are plenty of guys out there wishing you'd make eyes at 'em, Banana. Try not to let the rest of 'em get you down.

JMGF said...

Hannah! I copied you! I have a blog too now and I am going to read yours and I hope that is ok with you!