Tuesday, June 19, 2012

whoever's out there...

leave a comment? leave your address? i'll send you a letter.


Alexis said...

until august 3rd: alexis wolf c/o pruett, 499 highland dr, danville ca 94526 <3

B C said...

I used to be friends with lots of Boston kids back in the day - Lily, Gwen, Jaclin G-F, Janek etc. and it's possible we met then? Don't remember how I found this, or when, but there you go. Also, I met your friend from Vassar, Anna, who was mutual friends with other MPLS friends. Anyway! Still penpal on occasion, and am always looking for excuses to write letters: Beth Chekola / 115 Bedford St. SE #10 / Mpls, MN 55414